

主演:吉米·巴姆博 弗莉玛·阿吉曼 哈丽特·瓦尔特 



更新:2023-12-26 02:12:26








法律与秩序(英版)第一季 "Law & Order" is an American crime drama television series that aired its first season in 1990. The show follows the investigation and prosecution of criminal cases in New York City. The first season consists of 22 episodes, each with a different case that the detectives and prosecutors must solve. The cast includes main characters Detective Mike Logan, Detective Phil Cerreta, Assistant District Attorney Ben Stone, and District Attorney Adam Schiff. Throughout the season, the detectives use their skills and expertise to piece together evidence and uncover the truth behind each crime. The prosecutors then use this information to build a strong case against the accused and bring them to justice. One of the most notable cases in the first season is the "Subterranean Homeboy Blues" episode, which explores issues of race and police brutality. This episode is particularly relevant in today's society, as the Black Lives Matter movement continues to bring attention to these issues. Another standout episode is "Everybody's Favorite Bagman," which focuses on political corruption and the lengths people will go to protect their reputation and power. The first season of "Law & Order" sets the tone for the series as a whole. It showcases the complex and often heartbreaking nature of the criminal justice system, while also demonstrating the importance of holding individuals accountable for their actions. Overall, "Law & Order" remains a beloved and influential show in the crime drama genre, thanks in large part to its first season's strong writing, compelling characters, and engaging storylines. It continues to be a powerful reminder of the vital role that law and order play in our society.